Monday, December 17, 2012

Second Choice

To be a replacement
To be that Second choice
Just fitting the the bill
Just Good enough for now

Lifting it up
trying to convince it
as it looks the other way
as it finds more
in what is less

in what is repulsive

throwing my head down
hair in my eyes
on my knees

retching with that knowledge
helpless in the sickness

Tired of exhausting myself
Giving all to getting back half
Disregarded by the child

Daddy, take a bow

It kills and burns to have the weighted wisdom
You're only there because another wouldn't break free
It dries out the tears and fogs up the vision
You're second in line, quite possibly number three

I wish I had enough strength
Overstocked on pride
To face the world alone
I wish I could go forward
No one at the side

to be 
Happy enough on my own