Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Indifference of "good" men....

I guess I never really had a problem with what I'll call mild vigilantism. In so many brightly lit areas of the world there is true darkness. People who have done awful things.

Terrible things.

It is bad they are still walking among us unpunished and unincarcerated for more than one reason.

The one that seems to bite the lesser of the two is that the victims are unvindicated from top to bottom. This is a no-brainer. The one that really hurts, really irks, and causes nausea at times, is that they walk around, grins firmly implanted on their face, believing they have done no wrong.

I have a problem with that.

Or worse, they know what they've done may not be exactly right, but it was okay that THEY did it.

Those brightly lit areas grow a little darker everyday for there are so many people scuttling about thinking they have committed the equivalent of some little white lie, when they have unequivocally partially ruined some pure soul's life....

I can't let that go....It keeps me awake at night sometimes.....Justice is too often a near miss....